
At Hyderabad Half Marathon, Flight Cadets show off stamina

Express News Service

HYDERABAD: Hyderabad Runners Society on Sunday organised the 11th edition of the NMDC Hyderabad Half Marathon to promote an active lifestyle among citizens. The annual event saw the participation of 23 officers, 28 flight cadets and five airmen from Air Force Academy, Dudingal.

The Half Marathon was flagged off at 6 AM from People’s Plaza, Necklace Road and culminated at the Gachibowli Stadium. The participants from the Air Force Academy, especially the flight cadets showcased their exceptional physical prowess which is a reflection of their stringent training programme.

Their performance is a testimony of the agility, flexibility, and endurance inculcated in the flight cadets through the outdoor training sessions. As part of a disruptive pattern of training the cadets regularly run 12 km cross-country and 40 km of route march, which greatly contributed to the mobility, speed, power and strength exhibited by the flight cadets in the Half Marathon.