
Man in Telangana kills wife, stuffs body in drum

Express News Service

HYDERABAD: The decomposed body of a 28-year-old woman, who married a murder-accused six months ago, was found packed in a polythene bag and stuffed in a plastic drum at their home at Jubilee Hills, on Monday. Unaware about his criminal past, Saroja fell in love with R Anil Kumar (aged around 30) six months ago and married him. Her murder came to light after her family lodged a complaint on Sunday night and police on Monday broke their locked house only to find her body in the drum.

In 2020, Anil Kumar had murdered his first wife and the case is under trial. S Rajashekar Reddy, Inspector of Jubilee Hills, said a case has been registered against Anil Kumar on suspicion that he killed his wife and a hunt is on to nab him.

‘Suspicious nature’
Saroja, belonging to Wanaparthy district, worked as a salesperson at a garment store, when she fell in love with Anil Kumar, who was in the flower decoration business. After getting married, she stopped working and was confined to home. Saroja’s family members told the police that Anil was suspicious by nature and used to lock her up while leaving to work. He also harassed her physically and mentally and even assaulted her, injuring her badly, after which Saroja’s parents took her home.

A month ago, after Anil assured to take good care of Saroja in the presence of elders, she returned to him, they said. Meanwhile, for the past four days, Anil’s phone was switched off when Saroja’s father M Bheemudu called. He tried repeatedly and as there was no response, they came to the city and lodged a complaint.On Monday morning, when cops opened the doors, they found heaps of decoration material. On further searching among the material, they found a drum, in which Saroja’s body was stuffed.

Autopsy report awaited
Prima facie, it was found that she was killed by attacking on her head with a blunt metal object. The exact cause of the death would be known after post-mortem examination, they police said.In 2020, he killed his first wife by attacking her with a beer bottle on her head. The couple had four children. In his previous marriage too, Anil was excessively jealous and possessive and killed her over some suspicion, police found.