
Library under the shade of a tree in Telangana

S Raja Reddy

ADILABAD: A tiny mobile library set up in Pikla thanda of Lingapur mandal in Kumurambheem Asifabad district has earned praise from residents across the State. With a population of 970, the village only has one school for students till Class 3. In absence of proper avenues for the youth to improve themselves, the gram panchayat of the tribal village proposed to set up a small library.

Panchayat members said they decided to build a library seeing the youth surf the internet and waste their time on social media platforms. They said the youngsters are slowly moving away from the habit of reading books. However, they have been able to change the situation and about 10 people come to read on a regular basis, panchayat members added.

Youngsters read books below the shade of a tree in Pikla thanda of Lingapur mandal

They built a small platform near a big tree and placed a wooden case with a glass display for the books, said Panchayat Secretary Borlakunta Manisha, adding that around two dozen books are available for the residents to enjoy. Two benches have also been laid so that residents can enjoy the gift of reading under the shade. Manisha added that it stays open from the morning to 6 pm, after which they are kept in the panchayat office.

Currently, the residents can read books on the history and culture of Telangana, English grammar, Sumati Shatakam and books by Kaloji Narayan Rao, among many others. This initiative is the brainchild of Kumurambheem Asifabad Additional Collector Karnati Varun Reddy, who saw a similar idea being implemented in foreign countries.

Under the direction of Disctrict Collector Rahul Raj, Varun implemented the idea with the help of Sarpanch Banoth Mangibhai Kishan and Panchayat Secretary Borlakunta Manisha. We hoped that it would help the schoolchildren, who currently are enjoying their summer vacations, get versed with affairs beyond their curriculum, Manisha added.