
Crucial meet: KCR likely to prepare party for next polls, new challenges

Ireddy Srinivas Reddy

HYDERABAD: After tucking Munugode Assembly seat under his belt, Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao is preparing to reveal his plans on taking on the BJP going forward at the joint meeting of TRS Legislative, Parliamentary and State Executive Committee members scheduled to be held on Tuesday.

According to sources, the chief minister is likely to explain how the BJP-led Centre had tried to derail the State government by attempting to trigger the defection of four TRS MLAs to the saffron party at a farmhouse in Moinabad on October 26.

One senior leader of the party said that Rao is likely to discuss the Munugode result and several welfare schemes that will influence people on the day of reckoning. He may also discuss the pros and cons if he goes for early elections. He may share his view of how the BJP would react if he goes for snap polls and what would be its strategy. He may ask the MLAs to be ready to face polls any time.

A senior minister said that the party president is likely to appoint in-charges for the seats where incumbent MLAs are weak to strengthen the party from the grassroots. The ministers may be asked to focus on constituencies and see that there was no disruption in the implementation of welfare programmes.
The minister also said that the Rao, at an internal meeting earlier, had told them that he would brief them about the areas that merit attention as elections are just one year away.

Spl tasks for big guns
The pink party’s big guns — T Harish Rao, KT Rama Rao, K Kavita, Errabelli Dayakar Rao, G Jagadish Reddy, A Indrakaran Reddy, Palla Rajeswar Reddy and V Prasanth Reddy are likely to be asked to take care of almost 45 Assembly constituencies. They would be asked to visit these constituencies regularly and conduct reviews with officials. They have to address local problems on the spot so that there would not be any anti-incumbency.

It is more than likely that the Chief Minister will take to task the MLAs and MPs who are not living up to his expectations. The MLAs believe that Rao would infuse confidence and courage into them in the wake of the ED and other Central agencies trying to suffocate the TRS leaders in the name of irregularities in the way they are conducting their businesses.

Evaluation & assessment
As far as MLAs’ Poachgate is concerned, the party leaders hope that Rao would explain to them the gravity of the situation and how to ward off the BJP from arrogating to itself the group that is essentially the TRS’. They expect the chief minister to give them a roadmap in approaching the next Assembly elections.

The legislators expect that the party president is likely to reveal the contents of the survey reports which he had commissioned on their performance. They think that Prashant Kishore or the Intelligence department may have submitted to him the reports based on which he would tell the MLAs who are wanting in effort on what they should do.