
HRDA irked over ‘unfair’ methods in TSMC election

Express News Service

HYDERABAD: Members of the Healthcare Reform Doctor’s Association (HRDA) have raised concerns regarding issues in the Telangana State Medical Council (TSMC) elections. Through a representation submitted to Health Secretary S A M Rizvi, the association has highlighted that several candidates and institutions are intimidating doctors to submit blank postal ballots. 

HRDA has alleged that Dr D Mathru, District Coordinator of Hospital Services (DCHS), Nalgonda district, threatened government medical officers with severe repercussions if they did not provide them with blank postal ballots to secure votes in their favour. 

The association also said that private medical college managements were also threatening to teach faculty and postgraduate students to hand over blank TSMC election postal ballots.

HRDA has urged the health secretary to take necessary action and disqualify Dr Mathru and give directions to all private medical college managements not to collect TSMC election postal ballots from teaching faculty and postgraduate students.

TSMC elections will be held through postal ballot. The elections are scheduled to happen in November-December this year and more than 48,000 TSMC members will vote. The election is happening after a gap of 17 years.