Police officials appreciate Sai Charan, who helped five employees of the herbal factory in Nandigama escape from the burning building on Friday
Police officials appreciate Sai Charan, who helped five employees of the herbal factory in Nandigama escape from the burning building on Friday Photo | Express

Telangana: ‘Hero’ teen came to factory to pick up friend’s mom

Express News Service

HYDERABAD: A 15-year-old boy was hailed as a hero after his quick thinking helped save the lives of five employees working in the Allen Homeo and Herbal Products factory, which was gutted in a fire accident on Friday evening. Sai Charan, who recently completed SSC, came to pick up his friend’s mother, who is working in the factory.

Sai Charan came to the factory along with his friend. Both of them live in the same village. By the time Sai Charan reached the factory, his friend’s mother came out of the factory. However, her friends and co-employees were still in the ill-fated building. Then, Sai Charan took a ladder and stout rope, available near the place to help other employees. “When I was ready with a ladder and rope, I saw six employees struggling to come out of the building, which was completely engulfed in fire. Out of six, one man came out on his own. Then I rescued the remaining five employees,” Sai Charan told reporters. Not only locals, but top police and fire officials also lauded the bravery of Sai Charan. They called Sai a ‘hero’.