
KCR wants transparent process for non-agri land registrations

R Prithvi Raj

HYDERABAD: On the eve of commencement of registrations of non-agricultural properties, Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao on Sunday constituted a Cabinet sub-committee, headed by Roads and Buildings Minister Vemula Prashanth Reddy, to come up with suggestions to make the process of registrations not only transparent but also without any scope for corruption.

After the green signal from the Telangana High Court that registration of non-agricultural property could be done in the conventional manner, pending disposal of a case before it that raised the concerns over the protection of one’s Aadhaar details on Dharani website, the State government commenced slot booking for registrations on Friday while the actual process of registrations will begin on Monday.

The registration of non-agricultural properties remained suspended since September 8, which has caused agony to those who are in an emergency to sell their properties. The real estate sector too had suffered on account of total halt to the registration process.  Taking the hardship of the people into consideration, the Chief Minister after returning from Delhi, reviewed the registration of non-agricultural properties post commencement of booking of slots with officials, where he expressed his intent that the entire process should be made very transparent and the officials should not have any discretionary powers. There should not be any scope for the people to go around officials and grease their palms, the Chief Minister said.

In this context, he constituted the sub-committee headed by Prashanth Reddy. The other members of the committee are KT Rama Rao (Municipal Administration), Errabelli Dayakara Rao (Panchayat Raj), Mahmood Ali (Home) and T Srinivasa Yadav (Animal Husbandry). The brief given to them was to interact with all stakeholders including builders, real estate businessmen and finalise guidelines for transparent process for registration. 

The Chief Minister expressed his satisfaction over the way agricultural properties are being registered through Dharani portal. “The farmers are happy to get their land registered through Dharani, notwithstanding the initial hiccups and that it was now very smooth and easy,” he said and wanted similar process adopted for registration of non-agricultural properties.

He regretted the delay of 70 to 80 days that had taken place for resumption of registration of non-agricultural properties and felt that there should be no further waiting. As the real estate sector is doing well in Hyderabad, there should not be any difficulty for registration of non-agricultural properties, he said. “The process should be transparent and should not give scope for corruption to breed. No officer should have discretionary powers. The Cabinet sub-committee should finalise the policy after studying  problems in the cities and towns,” he said.

Referring to the poor who had constructed their houses without any documents, he suggested: “They are paying for electricity and water. But they face problems when they have to sell their property. The Cabinet sub-committee should find a way out.”