
GITAM student gets into Harvard World Records for his AI bot

Express News Service

HYDERABAD: Devaraju Vamsi Krishnam Raju, a second-year student of the GITAM School of Technology, has received global recognition from the Harvard World Records, London, for his work on an AI conversational bot named ‘The Adhvika.’

It is a voice assistant equipped with its own language model, capable of performing various tasks such as composing and sending emails, managing schedules and setting reminders. With Adhvika’s assistance, users can draft emails with impeccable precision, allowing them to focus on the content and ensure effective communication. It can transform dictated thoughts into well-structured and professionally formatted files.

Moreover, Adhvika aids in organising daily agendas, tracking appointments and setting timely reminders, guaranteeing that important meetings or deadlines are never overlooked.