
Advantage Congress if elections are held simultaneously, claims TPCC

Express News Service

NIZAMABAD: Predicting that the elections will be held after January, senior Congress leader and TPCC treasurer P Sudharshan Reddy on Sunday said that that the grand old party will form the government in the State after the Assembly polls.

During an informal interaction with the media at Congress Bhavan, he also said that Lok Sobha and Assembly elections would be held simultaneously. “If the simultaneous elections are held, it will be an advantage for the Congress. We will get the expected results,” he said.

He also revealed the TPCC’s plan to conduct a bus yatra in the State, after the Congress Working Committee (CWC) meetings to be held in Hyderabad, to reach out to the people and to win them over to the Congress’ side.  

“There is an anti-incumbency mood in the State. People are against the government. This coupled with the good work done by the previous Congress governments and the assurances we are giving now will ensure our victory in the upcoming elections,” he claimed, adding that the Congress is committed to its promise of providing two Assembly seats to BCs in every Lok Sabha segment.

Speaking specifically about the development in the Telangana region, he said: “In the erstwhile Andhra Pradesh, the Congress government initiated a number of development programmes. It constructed several projects and established several institutions. After the creation of Telangana State, there has been no visible development in the State.”

He also criticized the BRS government for distributing money in the name of several schemes, which, according to him, were not useful for the people. “Artisans need land, not just money, to make pots. The government should allot land for them,” he said.