
Ray Nu’s musings 

Palaparthi Srividya

“He was a lush magnificent tree wanting to root himself in her forever. Only, he didn’t know that she was sand, slipping away with time...”

This is the kind of posts you’ll find as you explore Renu Desai’s Instagram profile, signed with her pen name “ray nu”. This former actress almost always posts poetry on Insta - the only social media she is actively on. Her work is often about a certain “he” and an unrequited love. And other times it’s a motivational couplet or about her outlook towards life. Eitherway her musings on Instagram are a treat and are worth one’s time. 

With 87k followers Renu Desai has dedicated the account to her words, as says her bio, “Making pictures from words” And by what we see, she isn’t just a pretty face but quite an intriguing mind as well.