The Sunday Standard

Priyanka Chopra in the groove

Jaydeep Ghosh

Priyanka Chopra is on the roll, what with her latest movie Barfi! being nominated for the Oscars and her debut single —In My City—doing triple platinum. Piggy Chops is on a whirlwind promo-tour of her Single that kicked-off with Delhi on Thursday night.

Dressed in casual jeans and a jacket, Priyanka emceed, DJed and performed across four clubs across Delhi and Gurgaon. In My City features of the famous Black Eyed Peas and the song is really grooving and going down well with teenyboppers as well as bit matured music lovers.

A Bollywood diva-turned-pop star, Priyanka is going great guns and the crowd seemed to love her when she took to the console and also performer In My City live at Hard Rock Café. Way to go, girl!