The Sunday Standard

Debutant's 'Travelogue' is a Sellout

Jaydeep Ghosh

It is rare for a 17-year-old budding photographer to have her first solo exhibition where all her works are sold. Amira Chanana is that lucky photographer whose first solo exhibition, Travelogue, curated by Palette Art’s Rohit Gandhi and Rahul Khanna at the Alliance Francaise de Delhi allured all.

The series of 18 black and white photographs by Chanana had great composition and eye for detail. Radhika and Karan Chanana, the proud parents, donated all the proceeds to the charity, Unite for Sight.

The exhibition saw an amazing turnout of Delhi’s swish set. We spotted Kapil Sibal, Shashi Tharoor, Ruheen Jaiswal, Rina Dhaka, Sanjeev Bijli, Sunil Sethi, Kalyani Saha, Anil and Cheena Vig, and many more. Since it was teenager’s night, most dropped in with their teenaged kids for the evening. It was a nice family outing for a change.