The Sunday Standard

Steps to avoid dengue and chikungunya cases

Dr KK Aggarwal

Dengue and Chikungunya are flu-like viral diseases that are transmitted through infected Aedes mosquitoes.

The Aedes mosquitoes often breed in standing water, discarded tires, flowerpots, oil drums, vases and water storage containers. Adult mosquitoes like to bite both during day and night. To protect oneself, it is important to use mosquito repellents while indoors or out. One can wear long sleeve shirts and full pants for additional protection.

Also, they must make sure that the window and door screens have no holes. Air-conditioned rooms can reduce the chances of mosquito bites. Cases of dengue and chikungunya will persist this month, and instead of panicking, it is essential to spread awareness and ensure that steps are taken towards disease management.

One must remember that only one per cent of the dengue cases are life-threatening. Most dengue cases don't even require hospitalisation.

Chikungunya is not fatal and does not require hospitalisation. Whenever Dengue or Chikungunya is suspected, Resident Welfare Associations should inform everyone in their colony to check for breeding in and around their houses.

Doctors treating dengue or chikungunya patients should inform the local IMA president and secretary about the cases so that they can send a message to all doctors in that area to stay alert.

The local MLA or MP should be informed about the outbreak in a particular area so that necessary Vector Control Programme is put to action by the respective Municipal bodies.

The writer is Secretary General, Indian Medical Association and President, Heart Care Foundation