The Sunday Standard

Punjab CM Charanjit Singh Channi calls out Kejriwal for his ‘lies’

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NEW DELHI: Claiming that the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is “a modern incarnation of the East India Company”, Punjab CM Charanjit Singh Channi said that the sole aim of Kejriwal and company was to loot the wealth of state.

Addressing the gathering at Roshan Ground in Hoshiarpur, Channi dared Kejriwal that before “rolling out his bundles of lies before Punjabis” he must dare to announce cheap power and petrol to Delhi residents online just as the  Punjab government did. Channi claimed that Kejriwal’s promises varied from state-to-state, as per his whims. Citing an example, Channi said that in Punjab he is promising allowance worth Rs 1,000 per month to women, but in Goa he promised Rs 5,000, whereas in Delhi he did not announce any benefits for women. 

Channi further said that Punjab has witnessed a revolutionary change as for the first time power has been given to a common man like him instead of a Royal or affluent person. He said that his government aims to ensure equal opportunities to all and access of everyone to the resources of the state, with the sole aim to make Punjab a front-ranking state in the country. Meanwhile, former Punjab Congress President Sunil Kumar Jakhar said that conspiracies are being hatched where farmers are being labelled as terrorists by supporters of the draconian farm laws. 

Jakhar cautioned that people of state must beware of these nefarious designs, and added that the Modi government needs to be taught a lesson for its unprecedented inflation and anti-farmers stance, adding that those with anti-Punjab mindset are making desperate efforts to grab power in state. Jakhar envisioned that Congress government in 2022 will act as a stepping stone for formation of Congress government at the centre.