The Sunday Standard

Dalit bodies demand immediate relief for migrants

Express News Service

NEW DELHI:  Dalit rights organisations appealed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to provide immediate relief assistance and universal social protection coverage for people engaged in the informal sector. A large number of people in the unorganised sector and migrant workers belong to Dalit, Adivasi, and OBC communities.

The condition of single women, including widows, the aged, orphans and the people with disability is likely to be compounded in the crisis, and deepen the pre-existing inequalities and restricted access to essential services by these communities, the joint statement by Dalit organisations said.

The organisations sought immediate provision of subsidised foodgrains, healthcare and income assistance regardless of entitlement documents and status of enrollment till the time they have been covered under all relevant schemes, restart community kitchens in rural areas, especially in remote locations provide the supply of potable drinking water and wash essentials to the drought-affected areas to prevent crowding at common water points.

Free PPE kits and vaccination of the public and contractual workers engaged in burial/cremation grounds owing to spike in deaths should be a priority for the government, the statement said. Free vaccination for all marginalised communities including Dalit, Adivasi women, men and children in rural areas and urban slums owing to their poor socio-economic conditions and access to critical healthcare should be ensured.

The organisations sought announcement of an economic stimulus package on the lines of PMGKY for the informal sector and migrant workers for at least three to six months to help them survive with dignity in the absence of stable income, based on the state wage rate for skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled work. The government should provide ex-gratia assistance to unorganised workers under Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan Dhan Yojana. 

It should be ensured that financial inclusion by opening and reactivating Jan Dhan accounts for the informal sector and migrant workers, SCs, STs and women. One Nation One Ration Card scheme with zero administrative hassles and simplified procedures reducing pitfalls, and maintain a disaggregated opensource database along the lines of MGNREGA should be operational, it said.