The Sunday Standard

9-year-old feared drowned in Yamuna in Delhi's Shaheen Bagh 

From our online archive

NEW DELHI:  A nine-year-old boy was feared drowned in the Yamuna river stretch in south-east Delhi’s Shaheen Bagh area, police said on Saturday. 

Efforts are underway to trace the boy. The incident took place on Friday when Mohammad Ahsan and his friend Rajkumar were swimming in the river, a senior police officer said. 

As Ahsan suddenly slipped into deep waters, two persons -- Rohit and Alam -- who were on the bank jumped into the river but failed to rescue him, the officer added.

The police rushed to the spot and started a search operation, they said and added that fire personnel and four divers have been deployed to trace the boy. 

The statements of Ahsan’s father, Rajkumar, Rohit and Alam have been recorded, the police said. The river water level, which has been hovering around the danger mark of 205.33 metres for the last few days, dropped below the threshold again on Saturday.