
An artist in her own right

Aathira Haridas

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The ordinary becomes extraordinary when P A Seba takes out her canvas. She concocts magnificence out of the usual sights. For 20-year-old Seba, painting is like oxygen. It is how she colours her life and stays positive, by bringing all the hues into her palette.

Seba, who suffers from muscular atrophy, is bedridden and currently a tracheostomy patient. But Seba lives undaunted by these limitations. Although her life is confined to the bed, she has been fashioning out a plethora of artwork and is an artist in the making. For this self-taught painter, the biggest dream is to become an artist.

As a child, Seba always loved drawing, learning the art by herself. But when studies took priority, she left art. And she got back into the world of art when she was bedridden. “I loved drawing ever since I was a child. I used to draw when I was studying at school. But later took a break because of my bad health and studies were my priority. It is really difficult for me to do things like everyone. I resumed drawing years later when I got bedridden,” says Seba.

It was at the age of one that Seba was diagnosed with muscular atrophy. Wheelchair helped her in mobility. During her initial college days, she suffered from pneumonia and had to undergo tracheostomy surgery. That was two years ago and she has been bedridden ever since. “I was isolated for months after I returned from the hospital because of being frequently affected by infections. I wished to add more colours to my world. That’s how I started drawing again,” she says.

Seba gets inspired by the ordinary sights around her and art has become an integral part of her life. “Drawing helps me stay positive. It gives so much happiness after I finish each of my painting. It heals my soul. It really helps whenever I feel lonely and less important in life,” says Seba.

Although watercolour is her favourite medium she has taken to digital art of late. She had recently undertaken the 100 days challenge of making artworks. “But the challenge was disrupted as I got fever two weeks ago. I drew 30 paintings anyway,” she says. But she hopes to resume the challenge once her health improves.

Seba wishes to learn more media and become an artist. “I do things that make me happy. That’s why I draw,” she says.