
Cameron Gathers Support for Lanka Resolution in UN

P K Balachandran

British Prime Minister David Cameron has written to leaders of countries represented in the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) asking them to support the US-resolution against Sri Lanka, Downing Street announced on Sunday.

Simultaneously, Channel 4, which had made the explosive and controversial video No Fire Zone has brought out what it calls “new footage” on Lankan army men sexually assaulting LTTE female fighters. However, the Lankan High Commission in London described it as “gutter journalism” based on “unsubstantiated material”.

A spokesperson for the British Prime Minister said that ahead of the vote on the US resolution at the UNHRC, the British government is working hard to secure support from other countries.

“The PM has personally written to a number of leaders whose countries are on the human rights council this session calling on them to support this resolution which would help to deliver progress on reconciliation and human rights in Sri Lanka,” the spokesman said.

According to Channel 4, the new footage of Lankan army “war crimes” was shot by Lankan soldiers themselves with their mobile phones. They were subsequently given to the British Tamil Forum, which, in turn, passed it on to Channel 4.

Callum Macrae, Director of No Fire Zone, alleged that the responsibility for the acts could be traced to the very top, as the Lankan army was a disciplined one.

The Lankan Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission had asked Channel 4 for additional material to prove its allegations, but there was no response.

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