
NATO central to security, stability of North America & Europe: US White House

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WASHINGTON: The United States and Germany agree that North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is central to security and stability of North America and Europe, the White House has said.     

The statement from the White House yesterday, comes after a meeting between the Vice President Mike Pence and German Vice Chancellor and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sigmar Gabriel, during which the two discussed a range of issues.     

Both leaders affirmed the importance of close German-American cooperation and expressed their desire to strengthen already close German-American ties in the coming years, the White House said.   

Pence and Gabriel also agreed on NATO's centrality in ensuring the security and stability of North America and Europe.   

"Both leaders reaffirmed that all NATO allies must meet their obligations and contribute their fair share to our collective security. They also underscored that NATO must adapt to confront threats to our countries such as violent extremism and terrorism," it said.     

Pence informed Gabriel of his plans to attend the Munich Security Conference and visit Brussels later this month, where he will engage with European allies and partners about how to deepen and strengthen the Transatlantic alliance.