
Blatant racism from xenophobic bigot: Twitter calls out Trump for his remark

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WASHINGTON DC: United States President Donald Trump's comment on the immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries have drawn criticism and condemnation from across the world with senators, artists and the twitterati calling him out for blatant racism.

While several have called him white supremacist and a bigot, others have tagged him as, in reference to his 'make America great again' credo, someone who does not know what makes America great.

An activist Amy Sikind said that, "This man is simply NOT fit for office.  He is a disgrace!
“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?"

Senetor David Gergen said called Trump a bull carrying "around his own china shop".

Think Progress' Journalist Aaron Rupar said that, "Imagine believing there’s any explanation of the “context” besides “Trump’s a racist.”

This guy is a Republican congressman. I almost feel bad for him.

Lawyer David Leopold said that, "With his #Shithole countries slur Trump has confirmed what those of us who work in #immigration law & policy have known since early last year; the Administration's draconian #immigration enforcement crackdown is a racist policy aimed at immigrants of color."

Veteran Claude Taylor took to his Twitter handle condemning Trump and said that, “We never got to hear the N word tapes so it’s kind of nice of Trump to show us his true colors like this.”

Another person Matthew Miller sad that, “Just imagine how often Trump says racist things and there aren’t Democratic Senators in the room to leak it out.”

This comes after Trump described immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries as “shithole” countries during a meeting with lawmakers, when they floated restoring protections for immigrant from these nations.

“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” he said in the Oval Office, reported the Washington Post.

He later suggested that the United States should bring more people from countries like Norway.

Soon after this comment, a White House spokesman defended Trump’s remark without directly addressing it.

“Certain Washington politicians choose to fight for foreign countries, but President Trump will always fight for the American people,” spokesman Raj Shah said.