
An unfollow message?: White House handle distances itself from PM Modi on Twitter

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Is all not well between India and the US? The question is doing the rounds after the official White House Twitter handle unfollowed PM Narendra Modi on the microblogging site. 

The White House handle had recently started following the Twitter handles of PM Modi, the Prime Minister's office, President Ram Nath Kovind, the Indian Embassy in the US and the US Embassy in India among others. 

With these, the following count of the White House, which has over 22 million followers, had increased to 19, and many of these belonged to India. 

However, now despite all the bonhomie and the hydroxychloroquine exchanges, the US Presidential handle has unfollowed all these accounts on Twitter. 

As of now, the White House is following 13 accounts, and they are all related to Donald Trump and the US administration.