
Put country over party: Ex admin worker who criticised US President reveals identity, Trump responds

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A former Trump administration worker, who anonymously published a New York Times op-ed criticizing the administration has revealed his identity on Twitter.

Miles Taylor, was the former Chief of Staff at the Department of Homeland Security.

Taylor took to Twitter to admit his stand against the Trump administration and said, "Donald Trump is a man without character. It’s why I wrote “A Warning” (book by an anonymous author available to purchase on Amazon)...and it’s why me & my colleagues have spoken out against him (in our own names) for months."

Admitting that he is still a Republican, Taylor wrote, "In times of crisis, I saw Donald Trump prove he is a man without character, and his personal defects have resulted in leadership failures so significant that they can be measured in lost American lives."

He added that even though everyone working under him saw it, "most were hesitant to speak up for fear of reprisals."

The Republican party advisor through his open admission, has invited the American people to debate openly while adding, "You can speak loudest with your vote and persuade others with your voice."

Meanwhile, Trump was quick to take to Twitter to respond and subsequently dismiss Taylor's allegations by stating that he has "never heard of him".

"Who is Miles Taylor? Said he was “anonymous”, but I don’t know him - never even heard of him. Just another @nytimes  SCAM - he worked in conjunction with them. Also worked for Big Tech’s @Google. Now works for Fake News @CNN They should fire, shame, and punish everybody........associated with this FRAUD on the American people!," Trump tweeted.

Taylor called the upcoming US elections a "two-part referendum"-- both a character of a man and a character of the nation -- and urged the public to vote for Democratic nominee Joe Biden in order to "bring us back together where Donald Trump's dishonesty has torn us apart."

 He said, "I’m also urging fellow Republicans to put country over party, even if that means supporting Trump’s Democratic opponent."