
When every breath counts

Renuka Kalpana

HYDERABAD:  Asthma, a chronic respiratory disease that affects the airways, has become a focus of global and Indian research due to its increasing prevalence and potential links to factors like air pollution and particulate matter.

Researchers have identified that high air pollution levels and increased exposure to particulate matter can contribute to severe asthma symptoms, particularly among younger age groups.

Dr Arti Gangopadhay, consultant pulmonologist in Ranchi and national spokesperson of the Chest Council of India, said that in addition to outdoor air pollution, indoor air quality plays a crucial role in the severity of asthma symptoms. Indoor pollutants such as mosquito coil, biomass fuel and incense sticks have been found to inhibit severe asthma symptoms.

What is asthma?

Asthma is a condition that is caused by inflammation and muscle tightening around the airways, which makes it hard to breathe. Dr Arti says that asthma can be understood as an allergic reaction occurring within the respiratory pathways situated in the lungs. Fluctuations in atmospheric temperature, variations in moisture levels, alterations in air pollution levels, and changes in particulate matter composition can lead to a cascade of reactions in the respiratory passages. 

New symptoms

“A new set of symptoms, previously unassociated with asthma, has emerged, including atypical indicators such as chest or abdominal pain, excessive gas formation, and even coughing up blood,” Gangopadhay said. “These atypical symptoms have broadened the spectrum of manifestations, underscoring the need for thorough medical assessment. However, asthma isn’t contagious,” he adds. 

Handling emergency

In emergency situations, having a nebulizer at home is essential for those with asthma. It can provide immediate relief during severe attacks, especially when transportation to a medical facility may be challenging. If a nebulizer is not available, specific inhalers can also offer rapid relief. It’s crucial for those around an individual experiencing an asthma attack to ensure quick access to medical interventions.


Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a balanced diet and quitting smoking (if applicable) can positively impact asthma control. “One of the critical factors in managing asthma effectively is recognising the signs of worsening symptoms. If an individual who was previously symptom-free experiences a gradual increase in symptoms, seeking medical consultation is crucial,” Dr Arti said. 

Asthma treatment aims to control symptoms, prevent exacerbations, and improve overall quality of life. There is no magical drug or medicine to cure Asthma, Dr Arti warns. “Consuming raw fish or other unproven treatments can lead to infections, food poisoning, and other complications. It’s important to rely on approved medical practices and treatments that have undergone rigorous research and regulatory scrutiny.”