Israel-Hamas war LIVE: Al-Shifa Hospital's cardiac ward destroyed in Israel's ground assault

Online Desk

A Hamas health official said Sunday that an Israeli air strike destroyed the cardiac ward of Gaza's biggest hospital, Al-Shifa, as fighting raged around the facility. Al-Shifa Hospital is "totally surrounded and bombardments are going on nearby", the hospital's director, Mohammad Abu Salmiya, said in a statement late on Saturday.

Inside the hospital, Doctors Without Borders (DWB) surgeon Mohammed Obeid said there was no water, power, food, or internet for about 600 post-operative patients, 37-40 babies and 17 people in intensive care. Countless other people are seeking refuge in the hospital grounds.

"If we do not stop this bloodshed immediately with a ceasefire or at the bare minimum a medical evacuation of patients, these hospitals will become a morgue," DWB warned early Sunday.

Heavy fighting between Israeli forces and Hamas have trapped thousands of people in Gaza's hospitals on Sunday. Medics and aid workers warned patients will die in the crippled facilities unless there is a pause in the battle.

Two babies died in the Al-Shifa neonatal unit after power to their incubators was cut off and a man also died when his ventilator shut down, the surgeon said in an audio message posted on social media.

The UN's World Health Organization expressed alarm at the situation in Al-Shifa. "WHO is gravely concerned about the safety of health workers, hundreds of sick and injured patients, including babies on life support, and displaced people who remain inside the hospital," director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a statement.

20 of Gaza's 36 hospitals are "no longer functioning", according to the UN's humanitarian agency.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society also called on the international community and humanitarian groups to intervene "immediately and urgently" to protect people in Al-Quds Hospital, also in Gaza City.

War rages on, no ceasefire in sight

Hamas fighters smashed through the militarised border with Israel on October 7, killing around 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and taking about 240 people hostage, according to recent Israeli figures.

Israel's campaign in response to wipe out Hamas has killed more than 11,000 people, mostly civilians and thousands of them children, according to the latest figures from the health ministry in Gaza. The ministry has not updated tolls for two days citing the collapse of hospital services.

The conflict is stoking regional tensions and fears of the war expanding into neighbouring countries.

Meanwhile, Israel's PM Benjamin Netanyahu pushed back on Saturday against growing international calls for a cease-fire, saying Israel's battle to crush Gaza's ruling Hamas militants will continue with "full force."


French politicians, citizens march in Paris against soaring antisemitism amid Israel-Hamas war

  • France has the largest Jewish population in Europe, but given its own World War II collaboration with the Nazis, antisemitic acts today open old scars.
  • In a letter addressed to the French on Sunday, Macron vowed that perpetrators will be prosecuted and punished.
  • He called on the country to remain “united behind its values ... and work for peace and security for all in the Middle East.” READ FULL REPORT HERE
  • French politicians and citizens marched in Paris on Sunday to protest against rising antisemitism in the wake of Israel’s ongoing war against Hamas in Gaza.

    Gunfire hits peacekeeper in south Lebanon: UN

  • The United Nations peacekeeping force in Lebanon said gunfire from an unidentified source hit a member of its contingent early Sunday, adding that the peacekeeper was in a stable condition
  • "Shortly after midnight last night, peacekeepers in a UNIFIL position near Al-Qawzah reported hearing gunfire nearby," force spokesperson Andrea Tenenti said in a statement

  • "One peacekeeper was hit by a bullet and underwent surgery. He is recovering and currently stable," the statement said

  • Israel strikes Lebanon after anti-tank missile wounds civilians: Army

  • Israeli forces fired artillery into southern Lebanon on Sunday after an incoming anti-tank missile wounded several Israeli civilians near the border, an army spokesman said
  • The Israeli army said "a number of civilians were wounded" in the anti-tank missile strike near the village of Dovev, just half a mile (800 metres) from the frontier with Lebanon
  • "Artillery is striking the origin of the launch," a statement said.
  • 'No option to bring corpses, wounded inside': Gaza's Al-Shifa hospital besieged amid heavy fighting

  • Palestinians seeking refuge at Gaza's largest hospital and staff said they were trapped in increasingly horrific conditions
  • "Shooting is never stopping, airstrikes are unabated as well as artillery shells," said a witness who spoke on condition of anonymity. "There are dozens of bodies around the complex that nobody can reach"
  • "The hospital is besieged, with no option to bring in the corpses and injured people sprawled outside. There is no movement in or out of the hospital," said Physicians for Human Rights Israel, citing doctors at Al-Shifa / READ FULL REPORT HERE
  • IDF says they are enabling passage from Gaza hospitals

  • The Israel Defense Forces has said they are enabling passage from three hospitals - Al-Shifa, Rantisi and Nasser - in northern Gaza, and have opened an additional route for civilians to evacuate southwards, CNN reported Sunday evening
  • While the Israeli army has acknowledged that there was “ongoing intense fighting” around the vicinity of Al-Shifa hospital on Saturday, it denied claims it was directly firing at the complex
  • Palestinians mourn their relatives killed in the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip, in the hospital in Khan Younis, Saturday, Nov. 11, 2023. (AP)

    Saudi summit condemns Israel

  • Arab and Muslim leaders condemned Israel at a joint summit of the Arab League and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation in Riyadh on Saturday
  • Leaders at the summit condemned Israeli forces' "barbaric" actions in Gaza but declined to approve punitive economic and political steps against the country over its war against Hamas
  • The final declaration on Saturday rejected Israeli claims that it is acting in "self-defence", and demanded that the UN Security Council adopt "a decisive and binding resolution" to halt Israel's "aggression"
  • Hezbollah 'using attack drones'

  • Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah said the group was using new weapons in its attacks against Israel, as exchanges of fire on Lebanon's southern border intensify

  • The group has been using attack drones "for the first time in the history of the resistance" in Lebanon, he said

  • Nasrallah's speech prompted a warning from Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, who said Lebanese citizens would "pay the price"

  • Supporters of the Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah watch a televised speech by its leader Hassan Nasrallah in Beirut | AFP

    Netanyahu rejects PA role in Gaza

  • "There will have to be something else there," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, when asked whether the Palestinian Authority, which has partial administrative control in the occupied West Bank, may govern Gaza after the war
  • "There won't be a civilian authority that educates their children to hate Israel, to kill Israelis, to wipe out the state of Israel."
  • Several killed, wounded in strikes on UN facility in Gaza City housing refugees

  • "The shelling has reportedly resulted in a significant number of deaths and injuries," the United Nations Development Programme said in a statement issued late Saturday

  • In a separate incident, AFPTV footage showed a crater in the middle of a compound of a school run by the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) in Beit Lahia in north Gaza

  • Photos that tell many heartbreaking stories....

    Rescuers and civilians stand amid the rubble of a destroyed building following an Israeli bombardment in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip on November 12, 2023. (AFP)
    A man waits with a child at the traveller's terminal on the Palestinian side of the Rafah border crossing with Egypt in the southern Gaza Strip on November 12, 2023. (AFP)
    Adva Rozenblit mourns over the coffin of her son staff Sgt. Gilad Rozenblit , 21, in Kibbutz Ginegar, northern Israel, Sunday Nov. 12, 2023. He was killed during a ground operation in the Gaza Strip. (AP)
    This photo shows a part of an installation art exhibition supporting the hostages taken by Hamas in Gaza, at 228 Peace Memorial Park in Taipei, Taiwan, Sunday, Nov. 12, 2023. (AP)
    Demonstrators use the flashlights on their mobile phones as they protest against Israeli attacks on Gaza, in Barcelona, Spain, Saturday, Nov. 11, 2023. (AP)
    Smoke and flares rise over Gaza City during an Israeli strike in the Gaza Strip, as seen from southern Israel, Friday Nov. 10, 2023. (AP)
    Palestinians flee to the southern Gaza Strip on Salah al-Din Street in Bureij, Gaza Strip, Saturday, Nov. 11, 2023. (AP)
    Palestinians mourn their relatives killed in the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip, in the hospital in Khan Younis, Saturday, Nov. 11, 2023. (AP)

    'Fauda' crew member 'killed in action' amid Israel-Hamas conflict: Makers

    The crew member who lost his life was Matan Meir. "Fauda" has been criticised by a section of viewers for "whitewashing" the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    JUST IN | Hamas health official says Israel strike destroys Al-Shifa hospital cardiac ward

  • "The occupier (Israel) completely destroyed the cardiac department of Al-Shifa hospital... The two-storey building has been completely destroyed in an air strike," Youssef Abu Rish, deputy health minister in the Hamas-run Gaza Strip, told AFP.
  • A man steps over the bodies of dead and injured Palestinians lying on the ground following an Israeli airstrike outside the entrance of the al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City. (Photo | AP)

    An Israel Defense Forces spokesman for the Arab media says there will be limited corridor open today for residents in north Gaza to move south of the Gaza River

  • In the statement posted on X, the spokesman also informed that the self-evacuation corridor will also operate from Al-Shifa Medical Complex via Al-Wahda Street and then to Salah Al-Din Road and move to the south of Wadi Gaza.
  • (A translated version of the original statement posted on X by the IDF spokesman)

    Babies moved within Al Shifa hospital overnight after oxygen supplies run out

  • Babies at the Al Shifa Hospital were moved to a different part of the complex overnight as the neonatal unit ran out of oxygen, according to an update from CNN.
  • The babies were carried by hand to the hospital’s operating theatres where oxygen supplies are active and available for use.
  • Jordan armed forces uses parachutes to drop urgent medical aid to the Jordanian field hospital in Gaza for the second time

  • According to a report from Jordan News Agency, the operation was conducted in cooperation with the UAE and Qatar to help the hospital’s capabilities.
  • 'From the river to the sea': Why these six words spark fury and passion

    Palestinian activists say it's a call for peace and equality after 75 years of Israeli statehood and decades-long, open-ended Israeli military rule over millions of Palestinians. Jews claim that they hear a clear demand for Israel's destruction. But like so much of the Mideast conflict, what the phrase means depends on who is telling the story — and which audience is hearing it. READ FULL REPORT HERE

    FILE - Young women hold placards during a pro-Palestinian demonstration, in Frankfurt, Germany, Friday, Nov. 3, 2023. (Photo | AP)

    Australian foreign minister Penny Wong says ceasefire in Gaza cannot be "one-sided"

  • During an Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s Insiders programme, Wong said, "We all want to take the next steps toward a ceasefire, but it cannot be one-sided. Hamas still holds hostages, Hamas is still attacking Israel."

  • “And we do call on Israel to cease the attacking of hospitals. We understand the argument that Hamas is burrowed into civilian infrastructure. But, you know, I think the international community, looking at what is occurring in hospitals, would say to Israel: these are facilities protected under international law and we want you to do so,” she said.

  • Her comments come after French President Emmanuel Macron said that a ceasefire in Gaza is the only solution to end the war between Israel and Hamas.


    Hospitals have special protection under the rules of war, but why are they in crosshairs in Gaza?

  • According to the International Committee of the Red Cross, International humanitarian law lends hospitals special protections during war. But hospitals can lose their protection if combatants use them to hide fighters or store weapons.
  • Palestinian medical workers accuse Israel of mounting an all-out attack on infrastructure to punish the population and force a surrender.
  • On the other hand, Israel claims that Hamas locates military assets under hospitals and other sensitive sites like schools and mosques.
  • Hospitals have special protection under the rules of war, but why are they in crosshairs in Gaza?

  • In this Israel-Hamas war, hospitals in the main combat zone of northern Gaza have increasingly ended up in the crosshairs as Israeli tanks crunch through the hollowed-out heart of Gaza City. They have also become flashpoints for warring narratives.

  • Israel says Hamas militants are using hospitals as shields for fighters but hasn't provided evidence of that, while Palestinians and rights groups accuse Israel of recklessly harming civilians seeking shelter.

  • The battles around Shifa on Saturday raised an urgent question: When do medical facilities lose special protection under international humanitarian law?

  • Patients receive treatment at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City on November 10, 2023, amid ongoing battles between Israeli forces and Hamas. (Photo | AFP)

    UN Development Programme office in Gaza shelled; deaths and injuries reported: UNDP head Achim Steiner

    UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak condemns far-right protesters and Hamas sympathisers

  • He said that far-right "thugs", anti-Semitic chants and pro-Hamas signs and clothing had marred the UK's remembrance weekend.
  • Thousands stage Armistice Day pro-Palestinian rally in London

  • More than 300,000 pro-Palestinian demonstrators marched peacefully through central London on Saturday, even as right-wing counter-protesters clashed with policemen ambushing the main rally.
  • Tensions were fueled by Home Secretary Suella Braverman's comments that pro-Palestinian demonstrations as “hate marches” and called for Saturday’s event to be blocked out of respect for Armistice Day events marking the end of World War I.
  • Protesters gather in Hyde Park for a pro-Palestinian protest in London, on Saturday, Nov. 11, 2023.  (Photo | AP)

    Heavy fighting spurs 'catastrophic' scene at Gaza's Al-Shifa hospital

    The gun battles and intense bombardment around the Al-Shifa hospital came as Israel pressed deep into Gaza City in its offensive aimed at destroying the militant group Hamas in the territory it rules.

    Netanyahu rejects growing calls for a cease-fire as Israel battles Hamas outside main Gaza hospital

  • Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pushed back Saturday against growing international calls for a cease-fire, saying Israel's battle to crush Gaza's ruling Hamas militants will continue with "full force."

  • Pressure was growing on Israel after frantic doctors at Gaza's largest hospital said the last generator had run out of fuel, causing the death of a premature baby, another child in an incubator and four other patients. Thousands of war-wounded, medical staff and displaced civilians were caught in the fighting.

  • Top Developments


    1. Israeli strike destroyed Al-Shifa hospital cardiac ward: Hamas

    2. Intense fighting rages around Al-Shifa hospital; thousands of wounded trapped

    3. 'Fauda' crew member 'killed in action' amid Israel-Hamas conflict: Makers

  • Intense fighting between Israel and Hamas has accelerated an exodus of people toward Gaza's south

  • Several killed, wounded in strikes on UN facility in Gaza City housing refugees

  • Around 200,000 Palestinians left southwards from northern Gaza Strip in last three days

  • 20 of Gaza's 36 hospitals are "no longer functioning", according to UN's humanitarian agency

  • WHO alarmed by situation in Al-Shifa, Gaza's largest hospital, which has lost power

  • Two babies and a man died in Al-Shift after life support devices were shut down due to loss of power

  • Doctors Without Borders say there is no water, power, food, or internet in Al-Shifa for hundreds of patients

  • PM Netanyahu reiterates that Israel will retain security control of the strip after demilitarising Gaza

  • Israel threatens Lebanon's Hezbollah that Beirut could face a similar fate to Gaza

  • Iran President Raisi asks Islamic governments to designate Israel's military as "terrorist organisation"

  • Over 11,070 Palestinians have been killed; 2,700 reported missing and possibly trapped under rubble

  • 1.6 million people, two-thirds of Gaza's population, have been internally displaced since Oct 7: UNRW