
Mike Pence: US unwavering in NATO commitment, will hold Russia accountable

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MUNICH: U.S. Vice President Mike Pence is offering assurances that the United States strongly supports NATO and "will be unwavering in our commitment to this trans-Atlantic alliance."

Pence says the US will "hold Russia accountable" even as President Donald Trump searches for new common ground with Russia at the start of his presidency.

Pence says at the Munich Security Conference in Germany that with regard to Ukraine, the international community must hold Russia accountable and demand that it honor a 2015 peace agreement aimed at ending the fighting in eastern Ukraine between government forces and Russia-backed separatists.

He says President Donald Trump "will stand with Europe."

Pence is addressing the Munich Security Conference in his first overseas trip as vice president.

The vice president's speech was aimed at reassuring skeptical allies in Europe about American foreign policy under Trump along with U.S. willingness to maintain international partnerships.

Pence's trip to Germany comes as Europeans are skittish that Trump may promote isolationist tendencies and not hold Russia accountable.