R Suraksha
R Suraksha  

Suraksha stable after surgery, trauma counselling suggested

Express News Service

CHENNAI: A five-year-old girl, who was attacked by two Rottweiler dogs near Thousand Lights, underwent surgery on Thursday and her condition is stable now.

Official sources said the surgery was over by 6 pm without any complications. The child, R Suraksha, had suffered from a torn scalp along with injuries to other parts of the body after she was attacked by the two dogs near a corporation park.

“Though she seems to be fine physically, she needs trauma counselling to process the enormity of the incident considering her age and the media attention.”

“Until yesterday, she was constantly crying despite not being in any physical pain. She received little toys and gifts on behalf of the city corporation and other officials. Suraksha was all smiles while receiving the gifts,” said an official source.

The child’s father was employed as the park overseer on a contract basis through a private firm. He stayed with his family in a room within the park.